Help New Employees
Hit the Ground Running
(Instead of Running for the Door)



There are two types of new hires in the world: deer in the headlights and stars in the spotlight.

It should come as no surprise you only want the second kind of new hire—but it’s up to you to keep them from ending up in oncoming traffic.

How you set up a new hire’s first days and weeks on the job are essential to creating relationships that last and employees who thrive. And if you don’t help a new hire hit their stride, they’ll instead stride right out of your life, leaving you to begin yet another round of searches and interviews.

Here are just a few ways you can make sure you nurture new-hire superstars rather than roadkill.

  • Give them time to acclimate. If that new hire walks into a mountain of backlogged work with urgent deadlines, don’t assume they’ll just strap on their gear and start climbing. Even if they know how to handle every to-do, throwing them into a stressful and overwhelming first day will not inspire trust and confidence in this new venture. Instead, help them learn the ropes, give them a tour of the office, and introduce them to their coworkers.
  • Don’t expose them to shareholders prematurely. You wouldn’t introduce your new fry cook to the Burger King himself before they’ve learned how to use the register. If you pull new hires into meetings with high-level executives or top clients too early, they’ll likely start to feel that they’re out of their league or under too much pressure. New hires need time to build confidence within their role before they’ll be ready to interface with your firm’s top dogs.
  • Help them understand the big-picture workflow. If an employee is really going to impact your team’s productivity and output, they first need to understand how the work they’re doing fits into your workflow. When they know how their work is affected by their teammates—and how their work effects other teammates down the line—it will become easier for them to prioritize certain tasks, communicate necessary details, and collaborate internally.
  • Provide an onboarding buddy. How do you use the coffee maker? What’s the best way to file this report? Where’s the bathroom? New hires will inevitably have questions that may seem too trivial or silly to ask their managers—but you don’t want them guessing, either, or you’ll end up with disorganized files or a puddle on the floor. Assigning an onboarding buddy who your new hire does not directly report to will give them space to ask anything without fear of judgement or insecurity.

Implementing these four tactics can help both you and your new hire maintain a Maverick Mindset during those first days on the job. You might be in a hurry to reap the full benefits of your employee’s potential, but taking the time upfront will ensure that your newbie sticks with you for the long-term.

Remember, folks: Spotlights, not Headlights.



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